Deschutes Brewery

Rebranding the 5th largest craft brewery in America.


Creating an authentically scalable brand for a local craft icon.
Deschutes started as a local brewpub in Bend, Oregon and had grown into a regional icon of craft beer. But as America went through a craft beer boom, Deschutes needed to find how to bottle its authenticity in a way that would stand out on shelves and scale across the country.


The craft of your beer connects you to your community.
Local Deschutes lovers weren’t just loyal because the beer was born in Bend. It told a story about the people who made it, and who they made it for. And that story could travel endlessly to anyone who saw the value of craft. Building a brand that could authentically scale beyond Bend required deeply understanding the language being spoken between the brewers and their patrons, both near and far.


Deschutes Brewery – beers worth sharing
The resulting brand positioning and creative strategy tapped into what truly differentiated Deschutes within the category – beers that were worth sharing.

The brewery staff bought into the new positioning so much that “worth sharing” became a threshold new beers need to meet and was stamped on the inside of every Deschutes beer that left the brewery.

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